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Påskgodis: 0 g
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Kaffe: 50 000 liter
Harry Potter-filmer: 3 st
Boxningspass: 5 st
Kvällslöprundor runt Årstaviken: 2 st

Nike wisdom

"You pretended the snooze button didn’t exist. You dragged your butt out of bed while others slept. While others ate their pancakes you had a feast of protein, glucose and electrolytes. You double-knotted. You left the porch light on and locked the door behind you. You ran. 5ks, 10ks, 26.2 miles. Some days more, some days less. You rewarded a long run with a short run. And a short run with a long run. Rain tried to slow you. Sun tried to microwave you. Snow made you feel like a warrior. You cramped. You bonked. You paid no mind to comfort. On weekends. On holidays. You made excuses to keep going. Questioned yourself. Played mind games. Put your heart before your knees. Listened to your breathing. Sweat sunscreen into your eyes. Worked on your farmers tan. You hit the wall. You went through it. You decided to be a man about it. You decided to be a woman about it. Finished what you started. Proved what you were made of. Just kept putting mile after mile on your internal odometer."

-A Nike Ad



Det är sjätte april och det snöar. Shit aint okay. Kan vi bara ha sommar nu så att jag kan ha på mig typ dethär? I vilket fall som helst så ska jag trotsa vädret och dra ut och springa nu.

Men för övrigt, eftersom det är sjätte april betyder det också att det är 6 dagar kvar till SM. gsdlhndflhjdfhljdf WEEHOO!


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